Избрани 50те најубави дестинации во светот, две од поранешна СФРЈ (ФОТО)

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Порталот „Big 7 Travel“, кој се занимава со препораки за патувања, спроведе истражување со милиони луѓе, кои ги избраа најубавите места во светот.


Националниот парк Торес дел Пајн во Чиле е на прво место, Фарски Острови се на второ место, а Националниот парк Гранд Тетон во Вајоминг е на трето место.

На списокот има и две дестинации од поранешна Југославија – на петтото место езерото Блед во Словенија и Мостар, кој е на 20-то место.

Вака изгледа топ 10 листата.


  1. Национален парк Торес дел Паин, Чиле



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Visiten www.reforestemospatagonia.cl #paisajes #magia #afortunado

A post shared by Torres Del Paine Chile (@torresdelpainechile) on

  1. Фарски острови




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Release-ramp for boats in Gjogv ?? Photo by @athielsen_photography

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  1. Национален парк Гранд Тетон, Вајоминг



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Such a stunning sunset in the Grand Tetons! Many people don’t realize this, but there are many amazing lakes to explore in this wonderful National Park! And as you can see here, waiting for sunset or catching an early morning sunrise is spectacular! Winds are usually low at these times allowing phenomenal reflections like this here since the water gets very calm. Long exposure can be your friend in situations like this where there are some ripples. If you don’t have time to wait for the lake to calm down, you can sometimes salvage a great reflection by just letting a lot of light into the camera. As always, please follow the leave no trace principles while visiting the parks. Take out any trash you bring with you including compostable material like apple cores and bread scraps. If you encounter animals like squirrels, chipmunks, or marmots, please do not feed them as it encourages them to go closer to humans and steal their food (this has become a major problem in the parks). Together we can make our parks wonderful for everyone to enjoy! Tag someone you would bring here! What is your favorite sunset spot in the parks??? ?: @evang_travels Follow, tag @nationalparks_guide, and use the hashtag #nationalparks_guide for your chance to be featured!

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  1. Река Ли, Кина



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#中國 #灕江 #興坪碼頭 #興坪 素以山水秀麗、景甲天下而著稱,也因為有兩個總統遊過的造訪過而聲名大噪、遠播海內外啊,難怪一踏進興坪碼頭,你就會看到滿山滿谷、黑壓壓一片的人海,而可惜等待著不是「春風漓水客舟輕」的竹筏漂流,而是坐船游灕江最精典的地段,也是貳拾元人民幣背景圖案上的興坪大河背秀麗風景。 . 搭上船後,船家會先到達第一個點,魚鷹人家划著竹筏,魚鷹被送到船尾,供遊客們一同拍照,再配上興坪秀麗山水,這豈能不吸引人過去拍照。等到都沒人再去船尾拍照了,魚鷹會跟著養魚鷹人家下船搭著竹筏,等待著下一次的遊客船抵達。魚鷹抓魚嗎,等著被拍照吧。 . 船再次啟航,約過了二個蜿蜒彎道,在一個寬廣的河道上做一個大迴轉,結束短程航線要返回下遊的興坪碼頭。這時幾乎所有的人都跑上二樓要與兩岸群峰連綿、著名的各各山峰留下倩影。 . 而慢慢發現,我搭的船速度越來越慢,一直被其他船超船,與碼頭的距離似乎空間被凍結。原來是照片沒選完、沒洗完,船家才一直靠不了岸。至於 #興坪古鎮,因為趕時間忽忽一逛只留下突名空虛。 . #kimi_travel #china #guilin #guilinchina #chinatrip #chinatravel #guilintrip #ig_china #china_vacations #china_daytime_view #china_views

A post shared by KIMI ,in Tainan Taiwan (@kimi_life) on

  1. Бледско езеро, Словенија



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Beautifully framed.❤️? Thanks @ringphoto for sharing your photo with #lakebled.

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  1. Голем корален гребен, Австралија



  1. Национален парк Банф, Канада



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The author is unknown. Photos from the Internet. #banff #banffnationalpark #banffcanada #banffalberta #mybanff

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8. Палаван, Филипини


  1. Шкотски висорамнини


  1. Кјото, Јапонија

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